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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sejumput Halo


"Hai. Halo!" Saya lihat pupilnya membesar, membuat matanya semakin berbinar, dan dia tersenyum sumringah sambil reflek ingin memeluk saya tapi batal dia lakukan.

Jabat tangan jadi eksekusi paling tepat saat bertemu mantan, begitu mungkin pikirnya.

"Kamu apa kabar?" Dia bertanya sambil terus tersenyum. "Baik, baik. Kamu apa kabar?" Jawab saya sambil terus memperhatikan perempuan di depan saya yang sibuk bermain dengan ponselnya dengan pipi memerah. "Kesini sama siapa?"

Saya diam lama, lalu menjawab, "Sendirian kok.." Mungkin lebih baik saya tidak memberi tahunya.

Saya memang tidak pernah tahu pasti apa yang ada dalam benaknya saat dia melihat saya, atau mungkin saya juga tidak tahu tentang isi hatinya selama dua tahun ini, tapi dia tidak mungkin memalsukan senyum seindah itu. "Sampai kapan di Malang?"

"Semingguan lagi.." Jawabnya sambil mengecek jarum tangan di jam tangan kulitnya.
"It's been awhile, ya.." Katanya lagi. "Iya, udah lumayan lama banget gak ketemu. Kamu lagi sibuk apa sekarang?"

"Nggak lagi sibuk apa-apa.."

"Mau makan siang dulu, nggak? Kamu nggak buru-buru kan?" Saya berinisiatif. Saya tahu selalu ada 1/4 bagian di dalam hati saya yang ingin dia kembali. 1/4 sesal saat kami tidak punya akhir bahagia. 3/4 sisanya adalah bimbang dan lega karena dua tahun terakhir bukan tahun-tahun terbaik saya. Tapi tetap saja, saya tidak bisa hidup hanya dengan membawa 3/4 bagian hati saya.

"Aku ada acara habis ini.. Kalo besok gimana?"

"Oh..gitu.." Untuk sekali lagi, 1/4 bagian hati saya yang retak dulu, terguncang. Mungkin lebih banyak ego saya yang terluka karena saya kira dia akan langsung bilang 'iya', dan saya lebih dari tahu kalau dia punya sebagian hatinya untuk saya. Saya tahu.

"Yaudah, gapapa, besok aja. Aku jemput ya.." Saya kembali berinisitiaf, dan kembali dijawab dengan, "Nggak usah, aku bawa mobil soalnya." Ada torehan tepat di jantung ego saya. Torehan lebar dengan belati kata-katanya.

"Sampai besok, ya." Katanya sambil memeluk saya.

Tapi, lalu 1/4 bagian hati saya sembuh.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Boredom to Kill

Hello again you there! This is my third day experiencing new level of learning by being a sales assistant in Otoko. store. It's been fun and very bizzarre (since i am one of two women here and the other one is the marketing manager, so yeah). My basic learning was to iron the clothes (most of the clothes made of cotton, please do understand it's not an easy job to do.) I am the youngest number two and mostly sit down on the very comfortable sofa and trying to do something beside ironing. I took two shifts per day so i can finish it fast and continue my second internship at the office of (still) Otoko. Anyway, i am in the middle of boredom because it's the end of the week and we really have nothing to do. 

those gif(s) are hillarious!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Anna x Random Questions

These past months i've been following The Coveteur on instagram, and just yesterday they got chance to hit Anna Wintour with 73 random questions. They got into her office and saw what she's doing. I know they were welcomed in her office, but Anna kept her sunnies on to hide (that's adorable). And i already know what Anna will never wear. She thought every technology that invented are brilliant except Apple, she hates spiders and she learns about love from her children. 
Quoting from The Coveteur,"She wishes fashion people would stop saying not 'chic', or 'iconic', but 'journey'." I slightly agree, tho. Spring is chosen to be her favorite season while she's in New York, and she thinks Brooklyn is the new Silicon Valley. She really wants to go to India and the best vacation is going back home to enjoy the real humour (since she thinks brits have different humour compares to americans). 

The September Issue must be great. 

I promise you the video is enjoyable, you can prove it by yourself here and don't forget to visit The Coveteur!     

早安, Hongkong!

Hi again. So last week i went to Hongkong for 4 nights holiday, and it was fun. We went to tourists' places like Disneyland and Madame Tussauds. It was quite exhausting, tho because we mostly walked to go anywhere. Anyway today would be the most productive day in this week, because i got chance to go to gym (it's been forever) and ate decent foods, and finally tasted good dessert. And for the photos while i was in hongkong, here we go.