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Friday, February 28, 2014

Sneak Peek

So this semester there is one subject called Private Label Management where we need to make collections. The lecturer requires us to make garment collection, and my friends and i decided to go with high end street-wear concept; we will make jumpsuits. well, i don't want spill everything but one of the fabric materials is Tenun Ikat from Bali. And i personally love Tenun Ikat. It is one of very attractive traditional fabrics. I currently loving this brand from Bali called Manikan because they make bags collection with Tenun Ikat. Very adorable.

SAMA the label

two of many Tenun Ikat we will use for SAMA the label

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Eyes All Over The Place

Hello again people, nice to have a chance to make post this time. I just got home from my friend's birthday at Le Quartier. I had a very nice dinner there since i ordered the right meal.  I order double breasted chicken bla bla bla. I honestly forgot the name, but the taste was great. So it is worth eating.

Anyway today my friends and i made a moodboard for Kenzo Fall/Winter 2013 and it contents inspirations for the collection.

Oh ya, my head hit taxi's door so hard. Oh yes, it hurts.

Nighty night, everyone.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

1 Dari 7,438 (2)

Aku tersenyum melihat cerita yang barusan dia post di halaman blog miliknya. Tidak hanya kupu-kupu yang iseng terbang di dalam perutku, tapi juga rasa hangat yang tetiba menjalar, membuatku merasa dicintai lagi. Ah, kamu.

Limbic system? Jika aku tidak punya bagian itu dalam otakku pun, aku akan tetap ingat cerita kita. Cerita yang kamu bilang cuma milik kita. Miris aku tersenyum. Ah, kamu.

Aku meraih ponsel di dekatku lalu menekan nomor yang tidak aku simpan tapi selalu aku hafal. Bunyi nada sambung miliknya yang familiar. Lagu ini.

"Halo.." jawabnya di ujung telepon sana.

"Hai.." aku menjawab enggan. Andai saja aku bisa mendengar suaranya setiap hari tanpa harus berbicara dengannya. Bukan karena aku enggan, tapi setiap telepon ditutup, dia akan kembali menangis. Aku tidak pernah tahu kenapa.

"I read your blog. It is....good." Aku mulai dengan pujian.


"How's life, Rin?"

"Life's good." Dia menjawab cepat.

"Udah dulu, ya. Keep it up." Aku pamit.

Klik. Dia menutup teleponnya duluan.

Tiba-tiba kecupan hangat mendarat di pipiku. "Aryoo!" Tunanganku yang baru pulang dari acara jalan-jalannya ke Turki membawakan aku oleh-oleh. Aku tersenyum miris, ada rasa sesak yang merambat langsung ke hati.

Hai juga, kamu. Aku kangen. :(


1 Dari 7,438 (1)

Namanya pageviews. Sekitar 5 menit aku sisihkan waktuku untuk mampir ke halaman itu. Aku senang melihat garis naik - turun yang menunjukkan berapa orang sudah mampir ke halamanku. Ternyata ada yang baca.

Tapi kali ini aku datang bukan untuk memuji diri sendiri, aku datang untuk mencari kamu. Kamu yang dulu suka datang ke halamanku untuk membaca cerita tentang kita. Cerita yang aku buat untuk kita. Cerita yang ternyata masih meninggalkan jejakmu disini. Setelah kamu baca, biasanya kamu juga meninggalkan pesan sebagai orang tak dikenal. Aku tahu itu kamu. Komentar yang tidak panjang tapi tulus.

Dari 7,437 orang yang mampir ke halamanku, adakah kamu diantaranya? Diam-diam tersenyum karena cerita yang aku buat. Diam-diam tersenyum tahu karena aku memang masih jatuh cinta. Malu untuk mengakui ada kupu-kupu yang kamu rasakan terbang dalam perutmu karena merasa dicintai. Diam-diam dalam setiap hari kamu sempatkan mampir ke halamanku untuk membacanya berulang kali.

Dari 7,437 orang yang tidak sengaja masuk ke halamanku, adakah niatmu untuk sengaja mengunjungi ceritaku tentang kamu? Kembali mengingat kita yang aku yakin masih mengendap dalam limbic system milikmu.


Hai, kamu.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Real Years

00:19 a.m.

Valentine's day has passed and it passed well, since i spent it with my friends eating sushi in the evening, went to fashion bazaar called Euphoria Project and had dessert at Jill in Market Bar. #clothesoverboys #dessertintheend #hadfun. Anyway the bazaar was not that good, i don't know why. but the dinner was perfect. i didn't eat sushi for awhile and i kinda miss it. but believe me, because i am not trying to exaggerate the situation here, sushi is worth it, because before i went to eat sushi, i already had lunch. but i ate sushi anyway because sushi is worth the fullness. i don't mind spare one side of my stomach to fill it with sushi. hehehe.

by the way, let's pray for Sinabung and Kelud. May people there are given the power and strength to survive, and May God always bless them. Amen.

Oh rio introduced me to one new easy-listening song. such a shame i could not find the lyric, but thanks to soundcloud, i can hear it every time i am online. this song comes from Years and Years titled Real. Since i adore the video clip model (read: Ben Wishaw(p.s. he is not only cute with the beard on)), but it is bigger than that. i like this song. hehehe. yeay! another new catchy song.

00:44 a.m.

Oh, love, i will let you go. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Code Name: S

I don't want to be cheesy or anything but his birthday only happens once a year, so yah.. 

Happy birthday, you my wing man aka abang spencer aka abang Quartermaster aka horse aka Satrio Putranto. Ha-ha you are old. 

I wish you a very great year ahead, graduate soon so you can take classes in some fashion school in Milan or New York and someday make your own clothing line. 

I wish you a very great life with the best people you can have in your life now and later. And being with them as long as you possibly can. 

I wish you the nicest life you can ever get because you deserve it. 

Happy birthday, Satrio.

see? you are cuter with short hair. lol.
Since i can not draw your face and i am not a good cartoonist or someone like that, i made you photo collage. and maybe you are wondering where is our photo together i am gonna say there is not. i am the grumpy hello kitty with red ribbon or the cat who tried to jump. hehehehe.

Happy birthday, pal. Loaf you! <3