Keep singing, Hayley. For me, this song is like ice lemon tea with too many lemons. Fresh and sour. Too sour if i can add. Now, step aside and stop talking about this lame feeling of mine and comment the song itself. It is a great song with good melody and sour lyrics.
I am not a fan of Paramore but i admit, they make great songs. This far i fancy this sour song and Renegade which i dont even know what that song means. But i love the melody. That is good for keeping me awake.
Anyway, i lost my beloved iPod a week ago and still cant find it. Hope he can find the way home.
I am still awake for my final test. I did not get right time to study this weekend. Yesterday, i just done my two photo shoot in a day. Is that great? Yesterday morning i was in my photographer's home in Pejaten to ended everything. Hope that will be great, actually. But i dont think we can win. That is a long shot. A very long shot. And in a snap, i was in Catedral, ready for the Black Swan photo shoot. The models were very helpful yet very very friendly. They also helped us to do the concept. And rio was also there. Hehehehe. He cut his hair! That was the best news from him since he got back from Missouri. With his brand new Drowners canvas bag and his new haircut, he looked so much better. He was ready to go home to his mom, today. I guess yesterday was the last day i meet him. Well that is okay, i got this imessage and facetime. if it doesnt work, i still can send him letters by using pigeons.
By the way, i need to sleep. It is good to make a long post again. Well, not that long. Okay, good night
12:40 a.m.